Sampling Studio

Are you interested in the use of ultrasonic welding technology in your company, but you are not sure if our technology fits with your material? In our sample and testing studio we are offering the testing of your material according to your needs.

Sampling process

You are not sure if your material can be welded?
The most important requirement is a proportion of thermoplastic and heat-deformable fibres in your material. The best welding results can be achieved with a minimum of 60% synthetic fibres. You are welcome to send us a sufficient amount of material for testing on your personal application.

Test Process

Your requirement is our focus

Whether elastic materials, spacer fabrics or nonwovens, we want to find the right parameters and seams for you.

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Why Choose Sewsonic?

Sewsonic offers you innovative and state-of-the-art ultrasonic technology. Its reliability and precision stand out and meet the quality demands of tomorrow. With the continuous welding technology and special purpose and customized machinery manufacturing, be find the perfect solution for your business.